Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Beauty Diet

Beauty DietThe Beauty Diet it is not a refusal to eat, is the use of those products that will not only contribute to fast weight loss, but also help to rejuvenate your body and keep it in this condition for a long time. Diet provides the body with vitamins.

The Beauty diet is suitable for all. It is suitable even for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people in old age, wishing to preserve long flowering appearance, shiny hair, strong teeth and nails.

There are two versions of the beauty diet. One of them is necessary to observe during 3-5 days each month, and the second can be followed weekly or even monthly.

But no matter version that you have chosen for yourself, the changes are guaranteed.

Breakfast: 100 ml of fresh fruit juice or 100 grams of fresh berries, a slice of cheese or an egg, a slice of lean ham, 50 grams of dried bread, a cup of tea or coffee with milk.
Second breakfast: one egg or slice of cheese, salad from fresh vegetables, a slice of corn bread, 1-2 fruit, a cup of tea or a glass of yogurt.
Dinner: vegetable salad (without potatoes) filled with vegetable oil, a piece of lean meat.
Snack: fruits.
Dinner: One glass of warm milk or nonfat kefir.

Such diet can be maintained weekly or even monthly. Moreover, it can be varied to your taste by choosing your favorite fruits, berries or vegetables. Such diet can be maintained weekly or even monthly. Moreover, it can be varied to your taste by choosing your favorite fruits, berries or vegetables.

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked on water with fresh berries or grated green apple, walnuts and a spoonful of honey or cream, a few pieces of dried fruits, a glass of fresh juice or herbal tea without sugar.

Lunch: A half hour before lunch you need to drink water, juice or herbal decoction. Dinner should start with a salad of greenery and fresh vegetables, filled by olive oil.. After that you can have their own traditional food, but in small quantities.

Dinner: Fruit salad dressed with lemon juice and berries, herbal tea or fruit juice, 100 grams of low fat cottage cheese or a slice of lean meat (chicken or turkey).

During beauty diet is necessary to refuse salt, sugar, alcohol, mayonnaise and other fatty sauces.

View the original article here

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