Thursday, October 6, 2011

Summer Diet

Summer DietThe summer diet is a useful and effective diet for weight loss. In summer due to the large abundance of vegetables, fruits and berries, to observe such diet not difficult.

Summer diet is designed for 7 days and you can lose weight with this diet up to 4 kg. The most important secret that will help you not to gain lost weight after the diet is the rejection of food for 5-7 hours before bedtime.

The principle of this diet is very simple, you need to choose your favorite fruits, vegetables and berries, and eat them during the whole day, that is, have for breakfast, lunch and dinner. To stick such summer diet should be no more than once a month.

How summer diet work? Vegetables and fruits contain high amounts of fiber, which fills the stomach and causes a feeling of satiety and in addition, fiber excellent cleans the intestines. This means that your metabolism will improve, the skin will get rid of inflammation and the body becomes more resilient. Fruit and vegetable diets are among the best for the initial cleaning of the body and weight loss. In addition, many fruits contain a special substance that can burn fat.

Day 1 – Vegetable
On this day, you need to choose any fresh vegetable, except potatoes, and eat it during the whole day in any quantity. It is recommended to drink plenty of non-carbonated mineral water.

Day 2 – Fruit
On this day we eat our favorite fruits (except bananas). Fruits should be divided into 4-5 receptions, most of which must be eaten at lunch. If a strong feeling of hunger is allowed to drink one cup of natural yogurt without any additives.

Day 3 – Berries
On the third day you eat only berries. You can eat berries in any quantity. You can drink unlimited quantities of mineral water without gas.

Day 4 – Dairy
On this day you must choose only one dairy product (natural yoghurt, kefir or sour clotted milk) and drink it in small sips during the whole day. If a strong feeling of hunger, you can eat a little fat-free cottage cheese.

Day 5 – Vegetable
Same as the first day, except that you need to eat only vegetables that you have not eaten the first day of the diet. You can drink mineral water without gas.

Day 6 – Berries
Eat any berries that we did not eat for a third day of the summer diet. Before going to bed is recommended to drink one cup of not fat kefir.

Day 7 – Juice
Seventh day of this summer diet is the hungriest, because in this day you can only drink fruit juice – grapefruit, apple, orange and any other, except for the grape.

After the end of the summer diet is recommended to return to normal diet gradually, or else lost weight will return again, and quickly.

View the original article here

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